2018 MIDS-Young ICCA Scholarship winner announced

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner of this year's MIDS-Young ICCA scholarship: Dimitrios-Georgios Kontogiannis.


The MIDS-Young ICCA Scholar took some time to complete a Young ICCA Proust Questionnare - get to know Dimitrios-Georgios by reading his answers below:


Dimitrios-Georgios KontogiannisDimitrios-Georgios Kontogiannis

Age: 24

Hometown: Athens, Greece

Current City: Athens

Current Employer:Pamboukis Maravelis Nikolaidis and Associates Law Firm (PMN law firm)

Education: Democritus University of Thrace (Komotini, Greece) - Bachelor of Laws (2016); National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Athens, Greece) – Master of Laws in International Dispute Resolution (2018);

If you had to give an acceptance speech for this scholarship, what would your first line be? “What”, “who”, “me”, “no way”, these were the four main words that came to my mind when I read the email stating that I was selected to be the 2018 MIDS- Young ICCA scholar. Right after that, I gave the email to all my colleagues in the law firm in order to read it and confirm to me that it was truth. Honestly, now, I think that I can believe it.

What is your favourite virtue? Passion and faith

What are your favourite qualities in another person? Sincerity and kindness

What is your chief characteristic? Willingness

What is your main fault? Impatience

What is your favourite occupation? The one that I dream of

What is your idea of happiness? To have some of your dreams being realized

What is your idea of misery? The pursuit of happiness

If not yourself, who would you be? No one else. Life is a continuous procedure of self-improvement. You can always change things of your character you don’t like, move forward and excel.

Where would you like to live? New York

Who is your favourite prose author? Umberto Eco

Who is your favourite hero/heroine in fiction? Professor Severus Snape

Who is your hero in real life? Martin Luther King

What historical person do you most dislike? Adolf Hitler

What is your favourite name? Alexander

What do you hate the most? Injustice

What is your natural talent? Persistence

What is your favourite arbitration-related decision? Saipem S.p.A. v. The People’s Republic of Bangladesh, ICSID Case No. ARB/05/07

Who is your favourite arbitrator? Professor Christoph H. Schreuer

Who is your mentor? Professor George A. Bermann; his lecture on arbitration in 2015 edition of Hague Academy of International Law summer courses inspired me to deepen my knowledge on arbitration.

What is your motto? “I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have a lot to learn from other people.” - Eduardo Galeano