Breakfast with Arbitrators

3 March 201108:00 - 09:45(KST)
Sung Kyun Kwan University
Venue address:
53 Myeongnyun-dong 3-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul

“The Quick Guide to Getting into the Minds of an Arbitral Tribunal”


Organized by the International Bar Association, Arbitration and Young Lawyers Committee and the Asia Pacific Forum, in association with Young ICCA, on the occasion of the 14th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day.




  • John P. Bang, Bae Kim & Lee LLC, Korea
  • Philipp Habegger, Walder Wyss, Switzerland
  • Matthew Secomb, White & Case, France
  • Nish Shetty, Clifford Chance, Singapore


For young arbitration practitioners one of the key ingredients to conducting a successful arbitration is knowing how an arbitral tribunal functions, operates and ultimately reaches its conclusion. This session is aimed at giving young practitioners an insight into the minds of some of Asia’s and Europe’s leadings arbitrators as they go about the business of determining commercial arbitration disputes on the international stage. This session is aimed at the practicality of conducting international arbitrations in Asia with specific regard to the following key areas:


  1. The basics of conducting preliminary hearings;
  2. Settling of issues for determination;
  3. The conduct of oral hearings - the difference between common law and civil law jurisdictions;
  4. How as an arbitrator one approaches the handling of evidence be it a witness of fact or expert evidence;
  5. The decision making process; and
  6. The cultural difference in dealing with arbitrators and counsel from different jurisdictions.


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