MIDS-Young ICCA Scholarship winner announced

We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 MIDS-Young ICCA scholarship, Silvana Çinari. Silvana will attend the Geneva LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS) for the academic year 2019-2020. 


Our latest Young ICCA scholarship winner took some time to complete a Young ICCA Proust Questionnare - get to know Silvana by reading her answers below.


Silvana ÇinariSilvana Çinari

Age: 33

Hometown: Pogradec, Albania

Current City: Tirana, Albania

Current Employer: University of Tirana, Faculty of Law; Kola & Associates, Law Firm

Education: Graduated in the University of Tirana, Faculty of Law; Master in “EU Business Law” University of Tirana, Faculty of Law; PhD in civil procedure and arbitration law focusing on provisional measures, University of Tirana, Faculty of Law

If you had to give an acceptance speech for this scholarship, what would your first line be? “Silent gratitude isn’t very much use to anyone”- Gertrude Stein. Hence, I take the opportunity to express it out loud: Thank you! I’m honoured to have been awarded this scholarship.

What is your favourite virtue? Modesty

What are your favourite qualities in another person? Generosity, optimism and diligence

What is your chief characteristic? Being patient and persistent

What is your main fault? Overthinking

What is your favourite occupation? Hiking and trekking, getting lost in the beauty of nature

What is your idea of happiness? Setting and meeting goals and having dear and near people with whom you can share the joy of achievements

What is your idea of misery? Getting stuck in negative thinking

If not yourself, who would you be? An explorer

Where would you like to live? In any place where I would have a fulfilling life

Who is your favourite prose author? Dostojevski 

Who is your favourite hero/heroine in fiction? Jean Valjean, Les Misérables, V. Hugo

Who is your hero in real life? My parents, for their endless support and unconditional love

What historical person do you most dislike? Although Hitler comes first to mind, there are also many other emperors, dictators, or leaders for whom I would share the same sentiment

What is your favourite name? Names ending with or containing the letter “s”

What do you hate the most? Injustice and arrogance

What is your natural talent? Good listener

What is your favourite arbitration-related decision? Tradex Hellas, S.A. v. Republic of Albania, ICSID Case no. ARB/94/2, Decision on Jurisdiction, 24 December 1996

Who is your favourite arbitrator? Any professional who performs his work with diligence and integrity

Who is your mentor? My family. In the professional context, Professor F. Kola Tafaj (University of Tirana). She has inspired and provided me with continuous support and encouragement.

What is your motto? Be grateful for what you have, and work hard for what you don’t have